Together we can save them all

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The Problem

Every 30 seconds, a healthy, adoptable dog or cat is euthanized in a shelter somewhere in America.

Every 30 seconds.

That means approximately 1.5 Million lives every year. To put that in some perspective, that’s twice the population of San Francisco. Some estimates put that number even higher, closer to 2.5 Million.


Because, through no fault of their own, these poor souls end up in a place without the resources to take care of them for as long as it takes to find their forever home. Resources like shelter space, medical supplies, food, and transport.

And while there are hundreds, if not thousands of caring people and rescue groups doing whatever they can to save lives, they too find themselves constantly in need of those same resources.

The bottom line is that there just isn’t enough money to go around, so groups working towards the same goal can inadvertently end up competing for access to the same limited pool of resources.

But what if it didn’t have to be that way?

What if there was a way to create a huge, virtually self-sustaining, renewable pool of resources that any shelter or rescue could dip into whenever they needed?

And what if we could create this pool by doing something most of us are probably already doing, or are going to do anyway?


“Doing a good thing becomes much easier when you make it much easier to do a good thing.”

— sid Chand, FOUNDER

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Our Solution

There is a way.


In 2017, Americans spent $26.22 Billion on distilled spirits. BILLION. Capital B. Booze For Paws was created to tap into that billion-dollar marketplace with our “For Paws” brand of spirits. Our goal is simple: sell as much of our booze as we can, and then donate 100% of our profits to charities saving animals in need. Our hope is to make it so that one day, hopefully sooner than later, no adoptable animal is ever euthanized again.



delicious kinds of spirits.


of profits donated to charities saving animals in need.


number of adoptable animals euthanized per year by 2029.


We know what we’re trying to accomplish is no small task, but with your help, it can absolutely be done.

So here’s our request: if you think this is a good idea, or you think it’s completely crazy but that it just might work, then please help us get off the ground. There’s two easy ways you can do that. The first is to follow us on social media (Instagram, Facebook) and tell your friends about us.

The second way is to click the “shop” link below (or at the bottom of the page). That’ll take you to our Bonfire store where you can buy official Booze For Paws branded apparel! You’ll look (even more!) fabulous and you’ll help raise awareness about our mission!



Our labels